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Friday, August 9, 2013

NdP 2013

We didn't gate crash the parade this year,  as Bella is still very young but we still had a very meaningful day! From the morning till late afternoon,  we went gardens by the bay with my parents, brothers, sis in law and the kids! It was such an awesome time, but I guess it's the company that matters, we hardly looked at the many pretty flowers! The kids had a great time with their cousins, will post their cute pics soon! The children were so tired after that so we headed home to catch the parade on the tv, with some pizza! Love the busy-quiet day! How did you celebrate national day ? :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hairdo after over a year!

I'm finally here! After a year or more, I'm finally doing something about my hair, not that it's in a terrible state but I just thought of 'tidying' it up a bit. Many styles went through my head before i came, even with some suggestions from da man, and the boys. Funny... Da man likes long hair.. Da eldest prince likes short hair. Da second prince likes princessy locks and the last prince, I guess long so he can pull?!
Anyway, I really love locks but I have NO TIME to maintain it so I might end up looking more crazy than ever.. I like short too, saves me time washing and tying.. But I'll look really Aunty, trust me plus I spend loads of time at the supermarket, if that helps at all..!
So after consulting the stylist, the best is to maintain the length, get it rebonded to get a real neat look at least for the next half a year.. Crap.. But ok...
So here I am sitting here trying hard not to fall asleep, entertaining myself with the phone, even though I had the iPad I thought I'll look really weird glueing my eyes on that 'big' screen..
Will post my new look so.. Dun think I'll look much different though :)
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Location:Rivervale Crescent,,Singapore

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The sky

I've always liked the thought of lying on the ground and looking up at the sky in the evening.. It's gives me a feeling of eternity, vastness, greatness.. Etc etc..

Looking up you will no longer feel so overwhelmed by things around because the sky is so wide, and we are, so little.. You can begin to look at things in a bigger picture and imagine things beyond existence! Sounds like daydreaming but that's the whole point! Take some time out to daydream, isn't that nice?

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

First brush with hfmd

Many of my friends already had experience with hfmd, once if not more. I thank God all boys did not 'catch' it all these years and today, eve of my birthday, we 'knew' it for the first time.

Jayson started having fever yesterday and I was not overly worried for I thought it was another 'regular fever'. He was super 'cry'ey' though and my fears grew when he kept digging his mouth and said 'pain pain'! Using a light, I saw many little white spots inside his mouth. I immediately brought him to dr chan, only to confirmed my worries.

I'm more worried for the rest of the family, the first thought that came across my mind was for the boys to stay with my in laws these 5 days. I rather go through the pain of separation for 5 days than for them to go through the misery should they really got it too...

Everything has yet to be finalized as of now and I haven't see the other 2 jays since they left school this morning.. I miss them dearly already..

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Location:Compassvale Rd,,Singapore

Maid saga closed

Many people has been asking us how are we coping without a maid.. Now that we have already been maidless for over 20 days, I hereby announce 'we are FREED'!

Seriously, we have never felt more liberated. You might think we must be crazy but it's true! The whole atmosphere at home just feels different and the kids too, seemed happier! We no longer have to endure the presence of a stranger and I dun have to keep worrying about my kids being ill treated! Dear probably was the happiest of all! He has never liked the idea of having a maid and after 3 years, he's glad it's all over.

Life has definitely changed, afterall, we had 3 maids over the 3 years. I have never done any chores these 3 years and it's a big step for me! Initially it was tough, sacrificing my gaming time an tv time to do ironing or moping. If I said I never looked back, I'm lying! But after a week when all routines fell in place, it's easier. Everyone helped in one way or another, so we are more united in a sense too! The kids are more independent and have taken more responsibilities over themselves. You might think we'll have less time with them since we have to do chores and all that, wrong. This is one area we will never compromise. With or without maid, the boys are our first priority. Their fixed story time remains, their fixed activity time remains..everything that we set out to do as a family, remains.

I'm not encouraging everyone to go maidless.. I'm just saying its possible to live without that stranger even with 3 small children! Ask us if we plan to have a maid in the future to do cleaning.. All I can say is, we dun have luck with maids so.. Oh well.. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Compassvale Rd,,Singapore

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tidying up the pics

Havent really had the time to tidy up all the pics we took in Tasmania! Gotta start getting it done else by the time we go Hong Kong, our Tasmania pics are not out yet!
Have chosen just 8 pics to be printed out for the album, here they are Smile

The amount of luggage for the family!
Littlest babe and his favourite person!
Jayden and mama
Smiley Biery awaiting to check in
The Lim family came to send us off!
At the check in counter Smile
It’s beautiful…
The rest of the pics are mainly our adventure on the first 10hours flight, and thank God, it was very smooth for the family!

Friday, January 13, 2012

It’s been long!

Didn’t realise it has been so long since i last blogged! What have i been busy with?! Anyway, a good 2012 to everyone! Many things or rather changes have been happening in the family, and i still believe this is going to be a greater year! Will be updating more on the trio soon, meanwhile, they are doing great! See you real soon!!